Deep Blue Design LLC   1611 Tennyson Ct. Columbus, OH 43235   Phone: (614) 738-3685   email: sales@deepblueid.com
Redesign a Product
Create From an Idea
Once you have come up with a terrific product idea, done the necessary research to determine  it is not already patented, and  determined  there is a  market for your product; the next step is to work with a design partner that will take that product idea and help you get it to market.  

Deep Blue Design LLC will meet you where you are in the product lifecycle and take it from there. Intensive analysis of the type of individuals that will be using  your product, or personas, will provide key insights into how your product  will best fit the needs of your target customer.
The Deep Blue Design LLC team will do a detailed time and motion study, if desired, in order to fully  understand how your product will fit into the lives of your consumers. We then  develop the design sketches, 3D models and prototypes that will be used for  real world user testing. In the end you have a product that is functional, highly usable and  ready to hand off to manufacture
How We Work
Product Consultation
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